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Passion + Motivation + Skill = High-Performers

Image by Nicola Fioravanti


You have the desire, and a deep urge, to change a child's life for the better. You often think about the children you teach even when you're not at work. You're dedicated and invested in your students' lives. You want to change the way others view the early childhood education field.

Image by Cristofer Jeschke


You know the world doesn't value preschool teachers enough and it's evidenced through median wages. But, that doesn't stop you. You are focused on a career you love; you get up each morning ready to tackle the day and create meaningful experiences for young children.



Your level of skill is best friends with your motivation. When combined, you are a powerhouse of a preschool teacher. Full of confidence. That's you. Able to handle uncomfortable situations with parents and coworkers--that's you. You know child development and learn more and more each year.

Girl with Flute Teacher


You, my dear, are a high-performing preschool teacher and the world needs more of you. Your true rewards are reaped when you witness the progress of a child in your care. You are valued. You are a role model. And through no fault of your own, the world does not yet seem to recognize just how necessary you are but they are beginning to. Thank you.

Ready for a new type of community?

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SEPTEMBER 15, 2020

This community will support you, provide discussion about *real* Early Childhood Education challenges, and connect you with like-minded peers.


We'll kick-off with a zoom happy hour with uplifting speakers so keep an eye out for your private invitation via email. 


             See you then everybody!



 A Former High-Performing Preschool Teacher



Live lectures, video chat parties, kee-kees with folks who "get" the inside jokes


A positive community of preschool teachers who uplift and recognize other preschool teachers.  Join today for only $12.99/month.

Woman in Yellow

Sandy wants to find other preschool teachers near her. She can do that in the preschool community's forum.

Sandy Williams

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